Melbourne’s big week of drama has culminated in the running of The COVID Cup in our latest members podcast. Listen to this extraordinary race alongside information from our group of Race Officials and finally read all about the race in our special report. There’s a great prize on offer for the winner too.

Shawn Cosgrove
Thanks Geo, Deeksie and Ian for another very entertaining podcast. Thank you also to Windward Buoy and Nauti Buoy for the bonus comprehensive race report with some great photos. Good news Willarie – you may be able to drive the new Merc 15km from home!
Needless to say, here’s hoping The Covid Cup does not become an annual event!
Well done George and Deeksy yet again. Some great entertainment even if I did contribute a few too many “I tell you what’s “. A great way to keep the SYC community in touch during yet another lock down.
That was a bit of fun. Well done all. Let’s hope the next WW includes some wind in our hair and salt water spray on our pasty stay-at-home faces.
Thanks a lot guys . There was a lot of effort behind this podcast and I think you have nailed it. Great news letter from WB. Really enjoyed the virtual race and well done to include so many boats and will help to continue the rivalry between the crews. Look forward to getting back to racing and post race banter and boasting. Keep the good work we all appreciate the effort.
Bruce Parry
Entertaining and professional put together. Well done. Simon H
Laughed my head off listening to the big race call when I heard a boat did a penalty turn. That would be the first one ever in a Wednesday Wonders Race